In a previous post, I declared that I am reclaiming my time (where my hair is concerned), and I meant that. I do not know about you, but detangling my hair is the most time consuming part of my hair prep routine; whether I am preparing for a wash day or styling in general, andRead More
UPDATED [2022]: Wash Day Routine on Natural Hair (Products Mentioned)
It is a new year, and I figured, ‘why not share an updated wash day routine?’ Not a whole lot has changed since my last post in 2019. However, my priority this year is to reclaim my time. Wash days for me can be a time-consuming process and, frankly, time no longer permits that fractionRead More
Hair Series: Hair Growth Challenge for Thinning Hair
Today I am introducing a new series to my platform which will feature my partner. This series will focus on testing various hair growth products for thinning hair, concentrating on the frontal region and the crown. The objective of this series is to identify if the products advertised help to promote hair growth or areRead More
OUTRE Hair Review: Melting Hairline Lace Front Wig ft. Kamiyah
For many of us naturals, the colder months warrant protective hairstyles to prevent constant manipulation and to shield our hair from environmental factors that impact our hair’s wellness. Protective styles include buns, flat twists, braids, crotchet, cornrows, locs, and weave amongst others. The protective hairstyle that I have been wearing is the Outre Hair MeltingRead More
BlackHairandSkincare ft. Sydney Nicole Products Review
This is a long and overdue post, but I am here to deliver as I said I would to provide you with a quick and honest review of the BlackHairandSkincare Sydney Nicole products. But before I spill the tea, if you have not checked out my most recent post, BlackHairandSkincare ft. Sydney Nicole Products — Natural HairRead More
Sephora Haul: Affordable Skincare Products ft. The Ordinary
It has been quite the minute since I published a lifestyle post, and I wanted to share some skincare products that I took the liberty of purchasing on Sephora online. With Spring officially here, it is the appropriate time to hit the reset button and make improvements in my life. Between COVID-19, lockdowns, and workingRead More
First Impression: REVLON Pro Collection Salon One-Step Hair Dryer and Styler for Natural Hair Review
I finally got my hands on the Revlon Pro Collection Salon One-Step Hair Dryer and Styler, and I wanted to share a quick first impression on my experience with the handheld device used to dry and style hair. But first, if you have not had the opportunity to read my introduction to What is 4cRead More
October Haul: Natural Hair Products Edition
This post is long overdue mainly because… if I am being completely honest with you, life. However, we move forward. First of all, I wanted to introduce a product haul to my platform and share with you my recent purchases. Although I was unable to complete my order due to the product being unavailable orRead More
SheaMoisture: Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Shampoo Review
If you have not read my “Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Hair Masque Review,” what are you doing? Stop right here, check it out, and come right back. I got time, I’ll wait. Now, for those who did read it, I wanted to quickly share with you a new product that may beRead More
SheaMoisture: Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Hair Masque Review
What is it, day 47 of social distancing and self-quarantine/isolation? Whatever day it is for you, my hope is that you are staying home and taking the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the virus; while taking care of yourselves and those around you. Stay safe, take time out for self-care, and most importantly,Read More