Melanin Haircare is back with another hair product, y’all! On December 4, 2019, the Haircare and Lifestyle brand surprised 130K followers with an announcement, “Mark Your Calendars MelaninBae! That NEW-NEW you’ve been waiting for POPS onto our site on 12.10.19,” which prompted thousands of MelaninBaes to speculate around the type of product(s) our dear friend, WhitneyRead More
Final Hair Review: Amazing Beauty Hair (Extensions) Series (Pt.3) One Month Post
I have been back from my month long vacation for three weeks and change. If you are interested to know where: I vacationed to the beautiful country of Accra, Ghana. As promised, I am here to deliver and share with you my final thoughts on the Amazing Beauty Hair: Afro Kinky Curly clip-in extensions. ButRead More
Hair Review: Amazing Beauty Hair (Extensions) Series (Pt. 2) Hair Maintenance (Wash Process)
This is part two of my Hair Review: Amazing Beauty Hair series! If you have not read part one, check out my Amazing Beauty Hair (Extensions): Hair Review Series: Unboxing/First Impression where I covered everything you need to know from the hair company, Amazing Beauty Hair, to my first impression on the Afro Kinky Curly clip-in extensions.Read More
Amazing Beauty Hair (Extensions): Hair Review Series (Pt.1) Unboxing/First Impression
First and foremost, I am excited to share with you my first hair review featuring Amazing Beauty Hair. “This post is not sponsored” (Lol, I have always wanted to say that) although, I wish it was. I did spend my hard earned coins on this particular hair, and I am not complaining until it givesRead More
4th Annual Edmonton Natural Hair Show (#ENHS2019)
I know this is an oldie, but I wanted to share my experience this year at the Edmonton Natural Hair Show (ENHS) to highlight some of the local vendors that I had the opportunity to interact with and support. For those of you who are not familiar with what ENHS is, it’s an Annual twoRead More
My Natural Hair Tag: 20 Questions
I thought it would be fun to do a natural hair tag on my blog. I’ve seen a lot of YouTubers in the natural hair community do this, and I thought – ‘why not?’ Although, I am not a YouTuber, and have not worked up the confidence to record myself and speak in front ofRead More
Melanin Haircare Review
The wait is finally over, and I’m excited to share with you my thoughts on Whitney White’s new product line, Melanin Haircare. If you’re not familiar with who Whitney is, “girl, you better GET YOUR LIFE!” in my Tamar Braxton voice. No, but seriously, Whitney, who is also known as Naptural85 on YouTube, is everythingRead More
My Hair Regimen
Now, what would be the purpose of a hair blog if I didn’t share my hair regimen? Building a hair regimen/routine can be an overwhelming process, especially when you don’t know where to start. For a long time, I struggled with, creating one that catered to my hair needs. I was too fixated on duplicating products,Read More
What is 4c Nappy Hair?
4c Nappy Hair is,“to look beyond the texture of one’s hair; redirecting our focus on cultivating our mind, body and soul to achieve and maintain, healthier, stronger and longer hair.” I created 4c Nappy Hair not only for me but for individuals who can relate to me. My blog is intended for those who struggleRead More