My name is Abigail – I’m a follower of Christ, a sporadic Natural Hair & Lifestyle Blogger, currently reside in Edmonton, AB, but born and raised in the city of Toronto.
If you’re anything like me and have a passion for achieving healthy natural hair through trial-n-error, welcome! The intent of my blog is to share my hair journey experience; the good, the bad and the ugly with others, while encouraging and inspiring.
I’ve been natural for over nine years. It was in October 2016 that I decided to take the health of my hair seriously. The maintenance of my hair hasn’t been a walk in the park, but that hasn’t prevented me from finding alternative ways to address the various issues that I have faced over the years. I am still currently battling with hair thinning/loss (traction alopecia), breakage, dull, dry and brittle hair – things of nightmares! Some protective hairstyles that I resorted in aiding the promotion of hair growth and retention were wigs, weaves, and braids.Unfortunately, due to my own negligence, I damaged my hair severely under those protective methods. As the saying goes “You live and you learn”.
I am now channeling my experience in the form of blogging and would like to use this platform as a means to collectively come together as a community and have discussions; distribute information (how-to, tips, and advice) through extensive research, and share our personal experiences that can be instrumental in attaining healthy natural hair.
Although this is primarily a hair blog, I will be incorporating a flare of lifestyle. I will be revealing things pertaining to my life so you can get a window of who I am. I firmly believe that changed mind and lives happen within the context of relationships. So, I hope you take away something from my blog that can be useful for your hair journey or just life in general.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that very well.” Psalms 139:14 NIV
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